26.12.2013  The exhibition “Archeological Finds from Staraya Russa 2013”


The exhibition of archeological finds discovered by Starorusskaya expedition in 2013 is opened in the NovSU School of Humanities. It is located in the classroom #106 (School of Humanities, new building, ground floor) and opened for attendance in working days from 10 AM to 5 PM.


The exhibition represents the most outstanding archeological finds from 4,500 discovered in the last excavating season.


The first section includes materials of the archeological dig site “Kurortniy”. The most ancient stuff displayed is stone tools of the Neolithic period and early Three-Age system. Moreover, household stuff, toys, jewelry and personal devoutness items of the Late Middle Ages period (the 14th-15th century A.D.) are demonstrated there. The unique collection of Molivdovul, the type of lead seal, is considered to be the most interesting at this section.


Right here attendees can contemplate finds from the top layer of the archeological dig site “Pyatnitskiy-2” (the 18th-the beginning of the 20th century). The stuff including bottles, gallipots, perfume vials, ceramic tableware, coins, child’s play, tobacco pipes, etc rather differs from the one to which we got used to.


Furthermore, the classroom arranges a display of Paleolithic sculpture copies “Miss Stone Age. Paleolithic Era art”. Expedition stuff tells guests about finds and their work. For details and visiting time please contact by  telephone +7 (8162) 97-42-43 (ext/ 1572). The information about Starorusskaya expedition’s finds by NovSU is on open access in the internet project “Antiquities of Novgorod Land: archeological finds online database”


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