24.02.2016  NovSU student took part in the VI Youth Forum “Dialog Russia - Republic of Korea”

The student of NovSU Philological Faculty Daniil Obozniy took part in the VI Youth Forum “Dialog Russia - Republic of Korea”, which took place in Seoul (the Republic of Korea) on January 28-31, 2016. Daniil had an opportunity to take an active part in the discussions, which were planned by Russian and Korean parties, feel the atmosphere of Korean life, taste traditional Korean cuisine, see the city and get good, positive and open-hearted friends.

Участники Форума

On the first day of the forum, there was an introductory meeting of Korean and Russian groups, self-presentation of participants - a so-called training on cohesion. Each participant told, where he studied, from which city he or she came and other information about themselves, as well as suggestions about the upcoming forum. The participants were welcomed by the director of Russian-Korean forum, Deputy Director of the Asian Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation in the Republic of Korea and the Russian ambassador in South Korea.

The participants of the forum discussed the current position of young generation, the youth policy of both countries. They visited Hub Youth Center and Mindalpengi, which carry out the youth policy aimed at encouraging young people’s good wills and ambitions of various kinds, from clubs for spending free time to the choice of future profession and appropriate training for it. The Hub Youth Center had  special rooms where young people could get together and discuss urgent problems, to find themselves, to spend time in a productive communication. The name of the second center - "Mindalpengi", that means from Korean "snail house", speaks for itself. The Snail House provides cozy and comfortable living rooms for the Korean students who are unable to pay for their habitation.

Every day, the participants of the forum discussed the most relevant and urgent problems of the Korean and Russian youth. Each party brought up the topical issues for discussion and their possible solutions. First of all, those were questions of young people's financial status, education (student exchange), the upcoming Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang (2018), as well as the opportunity to work in the two countries, etc.

During discussions, Daniiel Obozniy told about the Korean Scientific and Cultural center in Veliky Novgorod, about Korean language courses and teachers, about NovSU cooperation with South Korean universities, and noted the importance of funding student exchange for our university. The Koreans welcomed the knowledge of Korean language, interest in their culture - many of them speak Russian well enough and study Russian language and Russian literature at the university. 


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