28.03.2018  The NovSU Student Council reported aon its work at the Academic Council

On March 27, the regular session of Academic Council took place in the main building of NovSU. The work results of Student Council in 2017, and its work plan for the 2018-2019 academic year were under discussion.

The speaker was the chairman of NovSU Student Council Andrey Burbakh, who got this post last year. He noted that the issues of studying, dormitory conditions, professional and academic development, scholarships and student international activity were regularly discussed during the sessions of the Student Council. NovSU students took part in different local events. The Council amplified the volunteer movement, which engaged about 300 students. Orphanage and nursing home patronage, socio-psychological and legal help, ecological events, patriotic upbringing and the care of war burial places were among their interests. They organized different intellectual competitions and leisure activities as well.


By tradition, the session started with a reward ceremony. A student Daria Nuzhina got a Charter of Participation in first student Olympiad called “I am professional”. Two university teachers were given a certificate of assistant professor.


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