01.11.2018  Students and post-graduate students of the Novgorod State University received “Lord Novgorod the Great” scholarships

On October 31, in the Novgorod Regional Philharmonic the ceremony of “Lord Novgorod the Great” scholarship awards was held.

Scholarships were awarded to secondary school students, students of specialized secondary educational institutions, students and post-graduate students of the higher educational institutions of the region. All of them showed excellent success in their studies, research activities, and active participation in community service. 

The ceremony was opened by Deputy Chairman of the Novgorod regional Duma Yevgeny Katenov, who emphasized the importance of talented young people in the development of the region. “The most important thing is that you, when you get higher education, stay living and working in the Novgorod region, for its benefit, - he turned to the guests of honor. – “You will be the ones responsible for how successful our region will be in the future.”

Scholarship holders from Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University were post-graduate students Nikita Sokolovsky (Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics) and Olga Tsvetkova (Department of Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education), as well as students Varvara Kuzmenko (the School of Humanities and Economics), Nikolay Pylev (Polytechnic School), Dmitry Bogdashov, Elizaveta Vasilyeva, Kirill Kozlov, Karina Nurmetova (School of Medical Education), Tatyana Zueva, Victoria Sviridova, Polina Kondratieva (School of Economics and Management), Apollinaria Kirsanova, Vyacheslav Melnikov (School of Agriculture and Natural Resources).

Vice-Rector for  Educational Activities of the NovSU Yuri Daneikin awarded the Certificates for the Scholarships. “Today, at the Novgorod University, every student can discover their talents and find a use for them, therefore, all the young people who are not students or post-graduate ones, I invite to our University!” – he said.


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