
24.09.2015  Fifth International Conference «Novgorodika-2015» will take place at the NovSU

On Thursday, September 24, in the assembly hall of NovSU School of Humanities (Antonovo, the new building) the fifth international conference «Novgorodika-2015. From “Russian Justice” to Russian Constitutionalism» will be opened. Before that, at 10 a.m., there will be a press conference of the organizing committee and the moderators of conference sections (room 126).


This year «Novgorodika» is dedicated to the 1000 years anniversary since “Russian Justice” - the legal code of Kievan Rus’, an exceptionally valuable monument of legislation.  In addition, 2015, the Novgorod State Museum celebrates its 150th anniversary this year. The Museum plays a significant role in exploration and preservation of spacious heritage of Novgorod and Novgorod land. And 2015 is the Year of Literature in Russia. Those three events were defined for the main themes of the conference. 

180 scientists from Veliky Novgorod and more than 30 cities of Russia and Belarus, Ukraine, Finland, Lithuania and USA will take part in the conference «Novgorodika-2015». The welcoming speeches of the guests and founders of the conference will be flowered by the panel discussion and seven conference sections. The sections are: “History and Archeology”, “Jurisprudence”, “Museology”, “Source Study”, “G.R. Derzhavin: Life and Work” (this section is dedicated to the 200th anniversary since the day the poet, who was also a statesman and a minister of law, died), “Religious and Philosophical Aspects of Ancient Russian Culture”, “Culture as a Source of Regional Development”. 

The mission of «Novgorodika» conference is to join forces of Russian and international researches in the complex exploration of Novgorod as a historical and cultural phenomenon of Russian and world history. The conferences, which are held regularly since 2006, have proven that both in Russia and abroad there are a great ammount of researchers, specializing in studying Novgorod. The researches and scientists who participate in «Novgorodika» publish articles and books, and, judging by their work, it is clear that the concernment in different periods and aspects of Novgorod history is great. 

Program of the Conference 
