
15.10.2015  The students from School of Humanities had their practical training in Poland

On 26 September - 8 October, a group of students from NovSU School of Humanities had their practical training at Opole University (Poland).

The purpose of this practical training was to learn about organization of education and research at the Opole University, about research and cultural institutions in Opole province and Lower Silesia, as well as to make a tour of the city Opole.

The program included a visit to the Opole Silesia Museum (viewing of archaeological, historical, ethnographic expositions and acquaintance with Silesia art), the Opole University campus tour, and a visit to the Department of Monument Protection of Opole Province.

The hosting side arranged a tour around the complex of archaeological monuments (four sites of ancient settlement and burial ground) near the village Rychin (Lower Silesia Province) and inspection of archaeological finds, that were found in that place in the course of excavations in 2015. Besides, the students from Novgorod had an opportunity to visit many other sites: Cistercian Abbey in the village Henrikov (XII-XVIII), fortress Silver Hill (XVIII), Bolkow Castle (XII-XVIII) and many others. Also the students became acquainted with such cities as Bzheg,Valbzhih and Edlina-Zdruy.

Archaeological excavations took place on the territory of the palace complex "Jedlinka" under the guidance of Professor Magdalena Przysiężna-Pizarska. During the field work participants got to know the methods of exploration of architectural structures, fixation of archaeological finds and field documentation writing that Polish colleagues used. The Novgorodians also took part in the research of the necropolis in the village Nova Koshchul.

 Then joint theoretical and practical seminar was organized, where Polish students and teachers made reports about archaeological research in Opole. The participants from NovSU told about the history, archeology and culture of the Novgorod land.

The last day in Poland was devoted to visiting Vrotslav with the excursions to the archaeological museum, the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Vrotslav University and the Old City.
