
04.04.2015  Novgorod State University and the Department of Education of Novgorod Region signed a cooperation agreement for the creation of an online learning system

On April 2, Viktor Weber, the Rector of Novgorod University, and Anatoly Osipov, the Head of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Novgorod Region, signed a cooperation agreement for the creation of the regional online learning system.

The purposes of this cooperation is to ensure a high level of coping with the programs using innovative approaches and improving traditional forms of education, to study and introduce the best practice in online learning, etc. Creation of a multi-unit server for educational system in Novgorod region , that would support online learning, is one of the fields of cooperation. The server will be built on a modern technology platform Moodle. Novgorod State University will provide technical support, administration and development of the server (access rights management, archiving and data protection, updating software, development and introduction of new services, etc.) and conduct training on relevant topics (creation and conducting of the online courses, knowledge assessment, and so on) in the form of consultations, master classes, seminars, training courses.


It is supposed that a single online learning technological platform will be used by educational institutions of the Novgorod region and Veliky Novgorod in order to improve educational process. Here they can post their courses without any restrictions on number and volume, conduct online lessons at any time for any number of students, on a paid or free basis.
