
09.11.2015  NovSU holds an International Academic Conference. Polish Consulate General is one of the organizers of the event

On November 6, at 02:00pm at the NovSU’s Humanitarian Institute (Antonovo, room 1204) started the International Academic Conference “Paths to Victory. Polish and Soviet resistance Movement against Nazi Occupation – Similarities and Differences.”


It was organized by the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Saint Petersburg, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, and St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

There were the following reports in the conference program: 

1.    Prof. Sergey Kulik (Saint-Petersburg State University): Categories of Partisan Detachments in North-West Russia.

2.    Prof. Rafal Vnuk (the Museum of the Second World War; the Catholic University Of Lublin, Poland): The Polish Underground State and its Rivals: Four Faces of Underground.

3.    Prof. Boris Kovalev (St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences): The Russian Orthodox Church and the Partisan Movement.

4.    Prof. Bogdan Mutschal (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw, Poland): The Relationship between Polish and Soviet Partisans on the Territory of the Former North-Eastern Poland (which is Western Belarus now) in 1942-1944.

5.    Assistant professor Dmitri Astashkin (Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University): Partisans at the Trials on Nazis.

6.      Dr. Machei Korkuch (the Institute of National Remembrance, Krakow, Poland): The Reflection of Soviet-Polish Relations Regarding the Activities of Partisan Detachments on the Territory of the Republic of Poland in 1939-1945.  


7.      Valery Kolotushkin, the archivist of the State Archive of the Novgorod region: Memorialization of the Partisan Movement on the Novgorod Land. 

NovSU holds an International Academic Conference. Polish Consulate General is one of the organizers of the event



On November 6, at 02:00pm at the NovSU’s Humanitarian Institute (Antonovo, room 1204) starts the International Academic Conference “Paths to Victory. Polish and Soviet resistance Movement against Nazi Occupation – Similarities and Differences.”


It is organized by the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Saint Petersburg, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, and St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


There are the following reports in the conference program:

1.    Prof. Sergey Kulik (Saint-Petersburg State University): Categories of Partisan Detachments in North-West Russia.

2.    Prof. Rafal Vnuk (the Museum of the Second World War; the Catholic University Of Lublin, Poland): The Polish Underground State and its Rivals: Four Faces of Underground.

3.    Prof. Boris Kovalev (St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences): The Russian Orthodox Church and the Partisan Movement.

4.    Prof. Bogdan Mutschal (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw, Poland): The Relationship between Polish and Soviet Partisans on the Territory of the Former North-Eastern Poland (which is Western Belarus now) in 1942-1944.

5.    Assistant professor Dmitri Astashkin (Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University): Partisans at the Trials on Nazis.

6.      Dr. Machei Korkuch (the Institute of National Remembrance, Krakow, Poland): The Reflection of Soviet-Polish Relations Regarding the Activities of Partisan Detachments on the Territory of the Republic of Poland in 1939-1945.  

Valery Kolotushkin, the archivist of the State Archive of the Novgorod region: Memorialization of the Partisan Movement on the Novgorod Land
