
09.03.2016  The Holiday dedicated to NovSU female professors

The holiday meeting named “Phenomenon of a Successful Woman: Scientific Career and Happy Family.”

The meeting was organized by centers “Dialog”, “Lady-Leader Club” and “Business Women League”, which by the way turns 25 this year. 

NovSU female professors became the heroines of the event. In Novgorod oblast, 43 women have a PhD degree. 

The event like this takes place in our city for the first time. The main topic of the day were personal and scientific achievements of the participants who are directors of Institutes, Deans of faculties and Chairs of departments. 

Female professors also gave presentations, answered host’s questions and were presented with flowers. Young performing artists of Veliky Novgorod entertained the guests. The party ended with glasses of champagne. 

(Source “Your News” published on 3.03.16)

The head of the Lady Leader Club Galina Matveeva and the ensemble of flutists
