
12.03.2016  Offsite meeting of Commission on International Affairs of the NovSU Academic Council

The offsite meeting of Commission on International Affairs of the University Academic Council took place in the conference hall of the School of Humanities on March 10.

The meeting began with a PhD diploma delivery ceremony to associate professor of the Department of Bilingual Education Ekaterina Egorova, who defended her Doctoral thesis at the University of Hildesheim (Germany). Afterwards members of the commission listened to and discussed the following reports:

Director of the School of Humanities, Dr. Elena Toropova reported about international activity of the School in 2015 and creation of the School’s International Affairs Centre. As Elena Toropova pointed out, international activity of the School was very saturated and productive in 2015:

  • A meeting of Deputy Consul General of Germany (St. Petersburg) Katrin Werdermann with faculty and students of the University and visit of professors Patrick Bruno and Ivan Blo (France) took place in March.
  • In April, Professor Christoph Ehmann visited the School of Humanities; students of the Philology Faculty took part in a two-week Russian-German workshop.
  • Visit of Executive Director of the Center for International Development in Ball State University (Indiana, USA) Kenneth M. Holland and internship of associate professor of the Historical Faculty in St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria) Anka Todorova Ignatova were held in May.
  • In June, faculty and students of the School of Humanities of NovSU took part in organization and holding Russian-German Forum “To Save the Old Bridges and Build New Ones”.
  • In September Ms. Brungild Hilf (the Board of Trustees Chairman from Bielefeld) held a workshop “Partnership of Cities: Past, Present, Future” for students of the Philology Faculty. Besides, a joint research workshop of students from the Historical Faculty of NovSU and students from the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the University of Latvia was held in the Center of Creative Intelligentsia named after Vladimir Soroka. A meeting of students of the School of Humanities with students of Rudolf Rempel Business School (Bielefeld, Germany).
  • Internship of 15 students and teachers from Opole (Poland) at the Department of Russian History and Archival Science within the Student Exchange Program and also internship of 11 students of School of Humanities of NovSU in University of Opole. Click the link for chronicle of the visit
  • In October, four students on the official NovSU delegation payed a visit to Vitebsk State University, named after P.M. Masherov. Consul of Consulate General of Sweden in St. Petersburg Louise Morsing met up with professors and officials of the School of Humanities, and with students of Philology Faculty, who study Swedish.

Summarizing her report Elena Toropova told about prospects for cooperation with Korean Chonnam National University.

Dr. Elena Toropova

Dr. Irina Ushanova ( the Head of International Academic Programs at Office for International Affairs) reported about work of International Academic Programs Department in 2015/2016:

  • Organization of academic exchange programs;
  • Participation in creating and realization of networking projects on cooperation with international partner-universities (including Dual-Diploma program);
  • Informing divisions about opportunities for participating in international academic exchange programs financed by Russian and international programs and funds;
  • Organization and preparation work of academic exchange within “Dual-Diploma” program;
  • Organization and holding a joint workshop with professor of The University of Hildesheim;
  • Preparing requests to DAAD and ERASMUS+ for taking part in international projects.

Dr. Irina Ushanova

Dr. Natalya Ilyashenko (the Head of Information and Analysis Section at Office for International Affairs) told about creating a joint online interdisciplinary course “Cross-cultural Behavior of Leaders of Heterogenic Organizations” (NovSU, Appalachian State University in the USA, and Institute of Information Technologies of Islamabad in Pakistan). Find more information about this international project in February news

Dr. Natalya Ilyashenko
