
26.03.2016  NovSU delegation visited Carmel College (Israel)

During a week, the NovSU delegation visited Carmel College* (Israel). The delegation included Vice-Rector for International Affairs ­­Mikhail Pevzner, director of the NovSU School of Continuous Pedagogical Education Yevgeny Ivanov, the head of Office of International Relations Natalia Shaydorova, the chair of Department of Vocational Teacher Education and Social Management Rose Sherayzina and Professor of the Department Irina Donina.

Преподаватели НовГУ у здания Кармель колледжа

NovSU professors in front of the Carmel College

The main purpose of the visit was conducting group and individual classes and consultations for doctoral students studying at the Novgorod State University. Before that, within the year training of doctoral students was mainly conducted in distance format (video conferencing, Skype and online consultations). However, personal contact with academic advisors and Israeli doctoral students was extremely important because it allowed better understanding the peculiarities of the Russian academic culture and getting detailed explanations regarding research work, as well as preparation for the exams within the candidate’s minimum.

Аспиранты Кармель Колледжа

Doctoral Students

Научные руководители работают с аспирантами

Academic advisors work with doctoral students

Научные руководители работают с аспирантами

In addition to working with graduates, NovSU professors met with the director of Carmel College, a member of the Israeli Parliament Knesset Akram Hasson and other leaders of the college and discussed ways of further cooperation between the two educational institutions.


* Carmel College is an unusual educational institution. It is located in the Carmel Mountains in the settlement Daliyat al-Carmel, which is the unofficial capital of the Druze - an ethnic group, which received the status of the nation of Israel in 1961. The Druze have their rich and ancient religious and cultural traditions, which guests from Veliky Novgorod had the opportunity to meet.
