
13.05.2016  NovSU Center of Russian Language and Culture celebrated its 5th anniversary.

On May 12, the 10th Week of International Cooperation at NovSU started with the celebration of the 5th anniversary of the NovSU Center of Russian Language and Culture.

Rector of NovSU Viktor Weber, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Sergey Gudilov, Vice Rector for International Affairs Mikhail Pevzner, the Head of Office of International Relations Natalia Shaydorova, international colleagues from partner universities, faculty members of the  Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, learners of Foreign Students’ Preparatory Department came to congratulate heroes of the day and to open the Week. Moreover, among the guests there were deputy head of the Federal Migration Service in Novgorod Region Tatyana Ignatyeva and department managers, Senior Scientific Researcher of Novgorod State Museum-Reserve Vladimir Varnaev.

The meeting was opened by the Vice Rector for International Affairs Mikhail Pevzner: “Today the Week of International Cooperation of NovSU starts. Everything is as usual and a bit unusual. Usually everything takes place in the main hall, where numerous participants of our international week gather, and they will gather on May 17. However, today we open the Week in the Center of Russian Language and Culture that is a hero of the anniversary – it turns 5 years. By this, we pay our respect not only to the Center, but also to the great and mighty Russian language, which 260 million people in the world speak and in which masterpieces of classic Russian literature were written…” 

Rector of the NovSU Viktor Weber was the first to congratulate the Center with the 5th anniversary: “Anniversaries can be various, sometimes it’s 25th one and you have nothing to say, but today is a totally different case. NovSU Center of Russian Language and Culture carries out a number of important tasks. Firstly, it teaches Russian to international students and adapt them to Russian environment, helps them to understand our nation, to understand Russia, to cultivate respect and love to our culture in them. And it succeeds in this. Secondly, they work very hard with migrants…And the third moment I wanted to emphasize - summer schools. Students from other countries are pleased to study here, and later they come back again, which means that they find here something suitable for them, they somewhat have got on the inside and this is really very important”. 

As on any birthday, gifts were the essential part. Letters of gratitude from Rector of NovSU were given to the Head of the Center, Dr. Marina Nilova and her colleagues. Besides, the Center got the certificate for a home theater and a promise from the university and sponsors to change the doors and windows.

International guests were also given the floor. This is what Professor Barbara Howard, Appalachian University, USA, said: “I’m so glad of our being here. It is already the second group from Appalachian University to come to NovSU. I’m very glad our cooperation is keeping on, and besides, I wanted to mention that this year three of our students are taught Russian here. It’s a great joy for us that Russian will become a part of their lives”.

The congratulations were joined by representatives of the migration service. "Low bow to you, you help us a lot", - said the deputy head of FMS Tatyana Ignatyeva and presented several letters of thanks, starting it with the rector of NovSU Viktor Weber and the Head of the Center Marina Nilova.

The event was accompanied with a story and a video presentation about the Center. And all ended with a small concert performed by the NovSU international students. They sang in their native languages about their own countries, and most importantly, they sang and recited poems in Russian.

For reference: The Center of Russian Language and Culture was created by decision of the Academic Council of the NovSU for more active realization of the potential of the Russian language as means of international communication, unity and harmony in interethnic environment in the region, as well as the implementation of information and educational assistance to citizens of Near and Far Abroad to study Russian language and culture of Russia.

The Centre has two main areas of work: one is with international and Russian students of NovSU, the other one is with foreign citizens living in the region. This activity encompassed dozens of meetings in the clubs of the Center, a tour of Veliky Novgorod and the region, training courses in Russian language, Russian history and culture.

The guests of the 10th Week of International Cooperation at NovSU are the representatives of many Russian universities, as well as Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, USA, France - more than 40 people.

The program of the Week has two big international conferences: one of the sessions of the International Conference "The Effectiveness of Osteopathy in the Issues of Health and Quality of Life" will be held on 13 may in Antonovo. It will be held in Saint-Petersburg and Veliky Novgorod and will be devoted to topical issues of health and quality of life in normal and unfavorable conditions. Another, a three-day international conference "University as a Diverse Organization: Creating Strategies for Inclusive Environment" will begin at Novgorod State University on May 17.

In addition, other events will also be held during this  Week: a competition of professional skill "the Teacher of the Future", including a fashion show "Fashion Without Borders", a cooking competition for NovSU international students "Studen` Show", "the Spring Musical Kaleidoscope", numerous trips and etc.
