
15.05.2015  The NovSU School of Medical Education students carried out an action "The Way of Kindness"

The members of the student research organization of the Normal Physiology Department – 2nd -4th year students of General Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy - carried out an action "The Way of Kindness" headed by their supervisor Anastasiya Novikova. The students divided into small creative groups, which visited veterans and participants of the World War II who used to work at the NovSU in post-war period.


Students Ivan Ogutsov, Ksenia Bystrova, Anna Demina and Valeria Belova visiting Veteran of WWII Klavdia Abramova

The veterans were given presents and thank-you letters for the Victory that required great efforts from them and where their courage and self-sacrifice were praised. The students decided to present not only traditional flowers and gifts, but to bake pies themselves in order to show their gratitude and respect. The veterans were agreeably surprised.

Students Diana Krutova and Maria Vasileva visiting Veteran of the WWII Ivan Zimin  

According to the organizers, this project left pleasant memories for both - students and veterans - and brought joy of communication. The 3rd year student Asya Agaeva said: “Our veterans are kind-hearted people with eyes full of life. Despite countless honors for their merits for the sake of the Homeland, they are modest and benevolent. We are proud of them and are trying to continue the line of our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers!”

Students Zubalzhat Alieva and Solmaz Mardalieva visiting Veteran of WWII Valentina Loshkova 
