
22.09.2016  Ten projects of Novgorod region’s young scientists ­– winners of "UMNIK" program – approved

The business incubator of Novgorod State University hosted a meeting of the regional expert jury Innovation Promotion Fund, where winners of the program "UMNIK" came up with their presentations realizing their projects for the first and second year.

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According to the Department of Education and Youth Policy, program participants made presentations, which reflected the results of their activity for the past period and spoke about the future prospects of work in the sphere of information technologies, medicine of the future, biotechnology, new devices and hardware systems. 

The procedure of full-time report on their achievements is mandatory for young researchers, including students, postgraduates and newcomers of enterprises. 

The main criteria for recognition efficiency of a project, which takes part in "UMNIK" program, is the implementation schedule, obtaining a patent for an invention or applying for intellectual property, investor relations, publication of scientific articles, as well as participation in conferences and forums. The second year projects should come close to the issue of commercialization of inventions or methods developed by the researcher. 

Following the results of the meeting, the regional expert jury recognized ten projects as effective, two - sent for the revision with repeated public presentation of the results. 

Let us remind that at the moment new applications are being collected for participation in "UMNIK" contest and a meeting of the Fund offices with potential participants is organized. The idea, put forward to the competition must have scientific novelty, be innovative, and at the same time contribute to the emergence of new devices, instruments, methods of Russian production. Having created invention for "UMNIK" program, young scientist gets an opportunity to continue research and commercialize its product in "Start" program. The presentation of projects will be held in December 2016 in the framework of the regional conference "Youth. Science. Innovation.
