
10.11.2016  Visit of the representative of the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (USA) to the Novgorod State

On 7-8 November, Ms. Panda Powell, Director of Sponsored Programs and Research Compliance at the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) visited the NovSU.

Visit of Panda Powell took place within the framework of the US- Russia UniversityPartnership Program (UPP). The University of North Carolina at Wilmington is one of 16 universities in North Carolina, combined into a single network of universities, which includes, in particular, the partner of NovSU - Appalachian State University. 

During her visit on 7 November, Panda Powell met with Mikhail Pevzner, the NovSU Vice-rector for International Affairs and Natalia Shaydorova, the Head of the Office of International Relations. The prospects of the cooperation between the Novgorod State University and the University of North Carolina were discussed during the visit. 

In the context of acquaintance with the organization of the research activity at NovSU, Panda Powell met with Denis Kovalenko, the Director of the Research Center, and Galina Voloshina, the Head of the Office for Youth Science. The experience of the Office in support of students engaged in research activities and organization of the Days of Science caught the great interest of the American guest - for there is no such Office at their university, although American students are actively involved in research and development by departments and faculties.

The talk about youth science continued in an informal atmosphere at the Philology Faculty of the NovSU School of Humanities. Graduate students studying a Business Communication course under the guidance of Dr. Natalia Ilyashenko, and future translators from 4-year bachelor's degree spoke to Panda Powell about their research interests during tea break, and asked questions about life of students in the United States. The meeting was also attended by Elena Zhukova, the Dean of the Faculty of Philology, and the Head of the Department of English language. 

On November 8, Panda Powell met with Gennady Porovskiy, the Head of the NovSU Strategic Development Office, who spoke in detail about the main directions of the university strategic development, about the results of the Strategic Development Program 2011-2016, and about the future prospects of development of the university.


The visit of the guest from the UNCW ended with the meeting with Vladimir Makarov, the Chief of the NovSU Innovation Office. His speech on innovation activities in NovSU, start-ups and the “Business Incubator” caught great interest from Panda Powell. Similar Innovation Center at the UNCW is very interested in establishing cooperation with Russian partners.
