
12.11.2016  Professor Tatyana Shmeleva presented a new book “Novgorod Oral Literature” on her jubilee

Yesterday, on 10 November, the presentation of the book “Novgorod Oral Literature” by Professor of Novgorod State University, Doctor of Philology Tatyana Shmeleva took place in Antonovo. The day was not chosen by chance: on this day, Tatyana Shmeleva celebrated her jubilee. Therefore, those, who have been invited to the event, know Professor Shmeleva very well. They cooperate with her in various areas, work together, were taught by her: journalists, regional library staff, colleagues, alumni, students, etc.

The book, which was presented to the guests, summarized the author’s publications on language and culture of Veliky Novgorod, on the language of the city as a linguistic phenomenon, on town’s list of names and Russian literature. Talking about it, Tatyana Shmeleva remarked: Last year, my research of the Novgorod oral literature turned 20, so it is a kind of outcome. Much of that is going to be discussed, I had to learn, to experience, to think over the years. Thus, the book is based on the personal experience of comprehension of Novgorodian culture and literature. Therefore, it is written from the first-person ...

On the presentation, Tatyana Shmeleva handed her guests copies of the book – each with a personal signature. The quests in return shared short stories about  Tatyana Shmeleva filled with memories of acquaintance, days of being together, some serious or curious cases from which new details appeared, unknown even to the hero of the day. For example, those, who wrote their dissertations under the guidance of her, are called shmelevochki”, etc.


The evening party began with the official greetings from the director of the NovSU School of Humanities Elena Toropova, who was the first to gain a new book. She presented a Diploma of Merit of Novgorod University to the hero of the anniversary.
