
20.02.2016  Celebration of the Defender of the Fatherland Day in Polytechnic School

The ceremony “And so the state will live forever while the defenders are alive” dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day was held in the NovSU Polytechnic College on February18. Guests from veteran organizations of the region, city, university and university administration took part in the event.

Alexander Allenov, the chairperson of War Veterans Council of Novgorod Region, welcomed the participants: “This date - February 23 - has an enormous significance. The Defender of the Fatherland Day considers not only those who refers to the Army and Navy, but also those who had already served or will serve in the future. I would like to wish young people to cherish those traditions and never give up the heights that have been achieved by our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers.” Alexander Allenov sent his greetings to the NovSU rector Victor Weber. College students and members of veteran organizations were awarded with “70 years of Novgorodskaya oblast” medals and certificates of appreciation from the Russian Veteran Union.


The students of the college and university performed with military related poetry and songs.
