
01.11.2016  The representatives of the Faculty of Law took part in the International Conference in Polotsk

At the end of last week the International scientific-practical conference "Constitutional Rights and Freedoms: Issues of Interpretation and Implementation in National Legal Systems" was held at the Polotsk State University (Belarus). About 70 scientific papers were presented at the conference by scientists from Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.




Issues such as interpretation of enactments, legal rights consolidation in the sphere of physical culture and sport were mooted at the plenary session, the mechanism of application of confiscation as a type of criminal punishment was analyzed.

The faculty members of the NovSU Faculty of Law made presentations during different sections. on the session "Theory and History of Human Rights and Freedoms", Elena Makarova conducted a retrospective analysis of legislative consolidation of public participation in the implementation of social rights; on session "Constitutional Rights and Freedoms of Citizens as a Basis for Entrepreneurial and Economic Activities", Marina Trofimova gave a presentation on the necessity to simplify the Magistrate proceedings; Tatiana Doroshenko told about foster home as a form of implementation of child rights to live and grow up in the family (based on the Novgorod region); Olga Kalpinskaya on section "Improving the Effectiveness of Law Enforcement in the Context of a Human Rights Perspective" touched the issues of prosecutorial supervision over the observance of fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen.
