
17.11.2015  The visit of official delegation from Sakiet-Ezzit (Tunisia)

Оn the 13 November, the delegation from Sakiet-Ezzit (Tunisia) visited NovSU; it came to Veliky Novgorod on invitation of the City Administration Committee on Tourism and International Relations. The Chairperson of the Sakiet-Ezzit municipality Mr. Ahmed Maalej headed the delegation. Olga Vasilieva, the Head of the City Administration Committee on Tourism and International Relations, also participated the meeting.

The Vice-Rector for NovSU International Affairs Mikhail Pevzner welcomed the guests paying special attention to the long-standing relations between the countries. The students from Tunisia have been studying at the NovSU during a long period. One of the delegates, Mr. Abdallah Azouzi, graduated from the NovSU Faculty of Architecture more than 15 years ago. Now, he is the Chief Architect in Sakiet-Ezzit, this fact proves that the level of education got at the NovSU is rather high. 

The Head of the Office of International Relations Natalia Shaydorova and the Chief of the International Students’ Office Lev Korneev told the guests about the history of NovSU, main directions of work, about the faculties and schools. Lev Korneev drawn the guests’ attention to the opportunities offered to the international students at the NovSU Preparatory Department. 

One more participant of the meeting, Aleksey Gavrilov the Deputy Director of the NovSU Polytechnic School, the Head of the Department of Design, invited the guests to visit the Polytechnic School Museum where the best graduating qualification works done by the students from the Department of Art and Plastic Working of Metals are presented. The exhibit impressed the quests. 

Next year Sakiet-Ezzit municipality is planning to send a delegation from Sfax University to Veliky Novgorod in order to discuss the possibilities of cooperation between the educational institutions.
