
18.03.2017  Graduates of the Presidential Program

On March 17, Administration of the Novgorod region awarded diplomas to the graduates of the Presidential Program on training managers in the 2015-2016 academic year. It is to be recalled that in the Novgorod region the Presidential Program started in 1998. Training managers traditionally takes place on the basis of four leading higher educational institutions, but the majority of participants chooses the Novgorod University. Currently, in accordance with the state plan, 525 managers have been trained.

On today's ceremony, diplomas were awarded by the Deputy governor Vladimir Varfolomeyev. He said: "You are successful people; you made one more step to take the worthy place in the managerial sphere. My congratulations!»


Evgeny Bondarenko, the Vice-Rector for Research, congratulated the graduates on behalf of the Novgorod University. He have expressed the hope that gained knowledge would inspire young managers to further study. "It is necessary to study not only within the walls of a higher education institution, but also throughout life. I wish you good luck, which is the most important after health, and progress in your work. In case you decide to improve your skills or receive the Master's degree, we invite you to do graduate and post-graduate studies at the Novgorod University", - the Vice-Rector emphasized.   


Among the graduates of the Presidential Program, there are heads of enterprises and organizations of healthcare, culture, sport, agricultural industry and processing industry, forestry, social protection, veterinary science, representatives of business. One of the graduates, the director of regional autonomous organization of social servicing "The Rehabilitation Center for Children and Teenagers with Disabilities" Svetlana Semyonova said: "I have a little experience in management: I hold director's position for two years, and by education I am a psychologist. The Presidential program training at the Novgorod State University gave me knowledge and skills in managerial activity, labor legislation, implementation of innovative forms of management. Personally for me, it was very useful."


Monitoring shows that within a year after completion of the program, 80% of graduates implement  their enterprise development projects  designed during the training, 37% advanced their careers, 15% created their own business.
