
11.05.2017  The associate professor of NovSU gave an open lecture about war criminals at the regional Prosecutor’s Office

Last week, Dmitry Astashkin, the NovSU Journalism Department associate professor, gave an open lecture for the first-year students of the NovSU Law Department. The lecture “The Trial of Fascist Criminals in Novgorod (1947)” was timed to the Victory Day and the 70th anniversary of the event. D. Astashkin actively explores this topic with the support of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation in the framework of the collective project “Soviet Trials of War Criminals in 1943-1991: Aims, Functions and Selective Mediatization Effects”.

In addition, Valery Vasiliev, the chairperson of the veteran council of the Novgorod region Prosecutor’s Office presented an exhibition dedicated to the Great Patriotic War at the Museums of the Prosecutor's Office. 

The last public trial of German war criminals in Russia lasted from December 7, 1947 until December 18, 1947 in the Novgorod Kremlin, in the building of the former Drama Theatre. The state prosecution was supported by the military prosecutor, Colonel of Justice Strekalovsky. The verdict of the Military Tribunal of the Leningrad Military District was proclaimed on December 18, 1947: all 19 criminal defendants were found guilty and sentenced to 25 years imprisonment in Vorkutlag. 

See also materials on this trial of 1947, prepared for the site of the Novgorod region Prosecutor's Office by Dmitry Astashkin, the NovSU associate professor at
