
26.03.2018  Traditional Days of Science start at the Novgorod State University today

On 26-31 March, the Novgorod State University holds the 25th annual Days of Science to sum up noteworthy outcomes of university's research work for the year.

Grand opening of the Days of Science and plenary meeting devoted to the jubilee 25th scientific conference of lecturers, postgraduates and students took place today in the third lecture theatre of the main building of NovSU (B. St-Petersburgskaya street, 41) at 10:30 a.m.

Themes of the breakout sessions of which there will be more than 200 these days are broad: from mechanization technologies in agriculture to mathematical methods in medicine and health care, from costume design to development problems of AIC.

The Days of Science take place every Spring since the foundation of the Novgorod State University. They provide set of scientific, training, and research activities. The main goal of the Days of Science is to develop scientific creativity of young people, the intensification of the research work of graduate students, university students, students of secondary specialized and general educational institutions.

Generally, it is in the spring that students complete their course works, diploma projects and they get an opportunity to "run" their scientific inventions, decisions and results at the university conference. The conference inside the university is an opportunity to learn about the reaction of peers, lecturers, and researches, it is an attempt to find their place in research work. The same tasks are performed by exhibitions of creative works, reviews of course and diploma projects, round tables and meetings with specialists.

The plan of events for the Days of Science is on the page of the Department for Youth Science (Science / Department of the Ministry of Education): https://portal.novsu.ru/file/1435516
