
29.01.2009  Publication of the book «From the North-West: Case studies on Strategic Management and Quality Assurance in Russian Higher Education».

Outcomes  of intensive work within the frames of the Dutch-Russian project «Strategic Management and  Quality Assurance in Higher Education», carried out by the Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS, University Twente) and Russian universities - Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University (Veliky Novgorod), Pomor State University named after M. V. Lomonosov (Archangelsk), Petrozavodsk State University (Petrozavodsk) and Ukhta State Technical University (Ukhta) are presented in this bilingual (English/Russian) book. 

The goal of the project was – organization of series of 4 seminars on Strategic Management and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (SMAQ) for talented middle managers of the four North-Western Russian universities, publication of the book and development of an in-service training programme, including learning and methodological materials, for the staff of the higher educational institutions on the issues of quality management at HEI.

The content and the structure of the presented book are build around the major topics of the institutional management projects dealing with day to day practice – how to develop and manage strategic initiatives to improve the service level of a higher education institution in the dynamic and complex environment of Russian higher education.  

The book starts with an introductory article on Strategic Management and Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Then per university the Institutional Management Projects are presented in the form of a chapter in Russian and a PowerPoint presentation in English. The book ends with some general concluding statements about Strategic Management and Quality Assurance in Russian universities. Clearly, a book of this nature would not be possible without contributions from many people. Our particular thanks go to Linda Beijlsmit, Director of Bureau CROSS, for her ongoing belief in the value of the workshop series; to all of the workshop participants and to the CHEPS team members who intensively contributed to the richness of the workshops. The book is intended for a wide Russian and international audience.   

The book is here…
