Почтовый адрес: Россия, 173003, г. Великий Новгород, ул. Б.С.-Петербургская, 41, Центр развития публикационной активности НовГУ.
Тел.: 8 (8162) 33-88-30;
Факс: (8162) 97-45-26.
E-mail: eNotes@novsu.ru
Postal address: Russia, 173003, Veliky Novgorod, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, B.Sankt-Peterburgskaya St, 41 Bldg., Editorial Office.
Tel. (8162) 33-88-30
Fax (8162) 97-45-26
Peer review and publication general terms and conditions:
1. The author should send a set of documents to the addresses of the Series Editorial Boards: a manuscript according to the Submission information, author information, and scientific adviser review (for aspirants and external doctoral candidates).
2. The series editorial board sends the article for review by a Doctor of Science having some published works in the field concerning the article subject for the last 3 years and being an expert. A Candidate of Sciences can also be the referee if he/she is an acknowledged expert in the field. (Review blank)
3. Submitted articles are reviewed single blind (authors do not know the identity of the referees, but the referees have sight of the authors' names).
4. Based on the referee reports the series editorial board makes the decision on acceptance of a manuscript for publication. Articles are published in priority sequence.
5. If for any reason an article is rejected, the editorial board sends a substantiated refusal to the author.
6. The compiled issue is transferred to the editorial office for preparing for publication.
7. Publication is carried out in accordance with the Publication Plan.
8. Referee reports are kept in the editorial office for at least five years.
9. Copies of referee reports are available on request from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
10. The editorial board reserves the right to send a manuscript for additional review in its absolute discretion.
11. The editorial board does not get into speculative arguments with the authors and does not provide any information. All the submitted manuscripts and matters or edited materials are not returned to the authors.
12. There are no compensations or fees for published articles.
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