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№1(130) - Технические науки

№2(131) - Медицинские науки

№3(132) - Технические науки

№4(133) - Медицинские науки

Почтовый адрес:  Россия, 173003, г. Великий Новгород,  ул. Б. С.-Петербургская, 41, ауд. 1216, Центр развития публикационной активности.  

Тел.: (8162) 33 88 30 

Факс: (8162) 97 45 26.

E-mail: vestnik@novsu.ru

Postal address:  Russia, 173003, Velikiy Novgorod, Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University, B.Sankt-Peterburgskaya St, 41 Bldg., 1216. Editorial Office.

Tel. (8162) 33-88-30 

О журнале

Учредителем и издателем журнала является государственное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Новгородский государственный университет им. Ярослава Мудрого. Журнал зарегистрирован Министерством по делам печати, телерадиовещания и средств массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации (свидетельство ПИ №77-17766 от 10 марта 2004 года). 

Журнал издается по сериям: "Технические науки", "Медицинские науки" и распространяется по подписке – индекс 78597 в интернет-каталоге ООО «Урал-Пресс Центр». 

Журнал «Вестник НовГУ» рецензируемый, включен в Реферативный журнал и базы данных ВИНИТИ. Для оценки качества публикуемых статей по каждой серии созданы институты рецензирования. Журнал размещается на сайте научной электронной библиотеки (НЭБ "eLIBRARY.ru"), при которой создан "Российский индекс научного цитирования" (РИНЦ). (Импакт-фактор журнала за 2020 г. - 0,309).

Лицензия Creative Commons
Это произведение доступно по лицензии Creative Commons «Attribution-NonCommercial» («Атрибуция — Некоммерческое использование») 4.0 Всемирная.

Вестник НовГУ

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Вестник НовГУ

The manuscripts submitted for publication in the Journal “Vestnik NovSU” should satisfy the following requirements  

The manuscript file should be in MS Word format only. The paper should be A4 format (letter size). The file extension is “.doc” or “.rtf”. Use the font “Times New Roman”, 12 pt, with one-and-a-half or double line spacing. The manuscript should contain no more than 20 000 type characters maximum. 

The top-left corner of the first page should contain the UDC identifier; the library bibliographers can help you to work it out. Then place the author’s(s’) name(s), paper title, abstracts in English and Russian languages consisting of from 100 to 250 words and containing keywords. Both English and Russian abstracts are essential. The requirements to abstracts are here.

The equations and symbols included in the paper appear in Microsoft Equation. All the equations should be provided with a full legend. You can omit only standard symbols and duplicate legends.

The tables should be titled and numbered and compact.

The paper illustrations should be high-quality. All figures, graphics and diagrams should be black-and-white and appear in Word 2000-compatible graph editor (PCX, TIF, BMP, XLS formats). All figures, graphics and diagrams are attached to the article text file as separate files.

The References are listed according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008. The references appear in the text within square brackets and numbered by the order of their appearance ([1], [2], [3]…). The list of references appears at the end of the manuscript. It is essential to indicate the number of the referential page(s) and the total number of the book’s or article’s pages. References to autoabstracts and dissertations are forbidden. The detailed requirements to the Reference list are here.

At the end of the paper you should place the author information (name(s), affiliation(s): university, faculty, department, degree, academic rank, profession code (according to the nomenclature of scientific workers), E-mail address, telephone numbers, postal address, ORCID ID). The manuscript should be proofread and signed by the author(s) with the note “Published for the first time” and the date.

The submitted manuscripts are peer reviewed. The control over papers’ quality is carried out by the Editorial Board consisting of top level academic scientists of the Russian Federation.

A complete set of documents is accepted for consideration:

1)     the article, formatted strictly according to the requirements (in printed and electronic form);

2)     licensed agreement for every co-author of the article (in an electronic form) (English version of agreement);

3)     expert report (in printed and electronic form – scan).

Electronic versions of documents are sent by e-mail to vestnik@novsu.ru (priority option) or ONLINE (Yandex), ONLINE2 (Google).

The set of documents is considered to be accepted after the official confirmation received from vestnik@novsu.ru to the contact e-mail (if the article has several co-authors, it is necessary to indicate which e-mail is the contact one).

The editorial staff does not give back all the submitted articles and matters and does not provide any information to the authors. There are no compensations or fees.

In any number of the Journal the author(s) can present a single article

The article author(s) is (are) completely responsible for the manuscript matter.  


Record of the Editorial Board meeting (form)