Химико-технологический институт

                                         Requirements for Conference Participation

1.     Registration

To participate in the conference you should acquaint with the topics of the conference, guidelines for conference materials, guidelines for paper submission, fill in Application Form and Copyright Agreement. All materials should be sent to the organizing committee’s email address:  conference.ishpr@mail.ru

2. Registration fee

  • Registration fee: 17500 rubles.
  • Payment details for Registration fee will be sent to you along with the paper acceptance letter.

3. In-person participation

Guidelines for Conference Materials can be found here:



Информацию опубликовал: Малышев Даниил Олегович, 19.04.2021 10:57:06
Ответственный за информацию: Медведева Ульяна Юрьевна

Публикации подразделения

