Non-resident Participants
Non-resident Participants
Non-resident participants pay for their accommodation.
You can find information about hotels in Veliky Novgorod on VISITNOVGOROD website.
Directions are shown on the map.
How to get to Veliky Novgorod from Moscow
We recommend you to take a train from Moscow to Veliky Novgorod.
How to get to Veliky Novgorod from Saint Petersburg
There are several options to get to Veliky Novgorod:
· Minibuses from Saint Petersburg to Veliky Novgorod, which also depart from Pulkovo airport. You can purchase tickets online on the website or order by phone: +79219500501.
· Buses departing from the Central Bus Station of Saint Petersburg You can buy tickets online or at the station's ticket office.
· Train that departs twice a day. You can buy tickets online on the website
Visa support:
1. International participants coming from countries with visa regime must obtain a visa to enter the territory of the Russian Federation.
2. To apply for a visa, you must contact the Russian consular office at your place of permanent residence.
3. If necessary, the conference organizers will provide you with a Letter of Official Invitation.