
Институт электронных и информационных систем

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Институт электронных и информационных систем

Participation Requirements:

1. Registration

To participate in the conference, you should learn the conference topics/ sessions, the requirements to conference material submission, and the requirements to full paper submission, and also fill up the Application Form. Send all the files to: conf-ieis@novsu.ru 

2. Paper submission and specifications

To learn the requirements to conference material submission, click here. To learn the requirements to full paper submission, click here.

3. Key dates

  • Paper submission deadline: June 10, 2021
  • Conference fee payment deadline: Jule 15, 2021
  • Second announcement: August 20, 2021
  • Conference dates: September 6-7, 2021

Conference Results

 4. Topics/ Sessions

Session 1. Mathematical Models for Condensed Matter Physics;

Session 2. Mathematical Modeling of Dielectric, Magnetic and Semiconductor Materials;

Session 3. Modeling of Radioelectronic Systems and Devices;

Session 4. Modeling of Electronic Component Base;

Session 5. Computational Methods in Electronics Engineering;

Session 6. Applied Mathematics;

Session 7. Information Technology;

Session 8. Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations.


5. Conference Fee: 13 500 rubles. The Second Announcement will contain all banking information needed.

6. For Foreign Authors


Информацию опубликовал: Эминов Стефан Ильич, 17.06.2021 12:29:02
Ответственный за информацию: Шульцев Владимир Александрович

Публикации подразделения




Истории успеха

Евгений Владимирович Кондратьев

Главный конструктор, НПК Пеленгатор

Факультет: Отделение электроники

Группа: 5021

Выпуск: 2005