
Заместитель директора института по научной работе
Арендателева Светлана Ивановна

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Телефоны подразделения

т. 97 42 66 доб. 1180
Расположение: каб. 4208


Институт политехнический

Dear Participants of the Conference,

You can find the program of conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology here.

The program contains the timing, dates, venue, and up-to-date information concerning main conference events. 

During participant check-in, all participants will be provided with the full conference program including the list of speakers and titles. 

Contribution format: oral presentation / oral presentation with poster presentation / poster presentation.

Contribution length: 15 minutes (10 minutes for a presentation, 5 minutes for a discussion).

Requirement to poster presentations:




Presentation should appear in MS Power Point 2007 (.ppt и .pptx).




Presentation should consist of no more than 10 slides. The title page is necessary (author’s name, affiliation, position, title).




Presentation should demonstrate main stages of a research, valuable information, and complete results.




Text should present the summary and supportive notes for the research (key words, lists). The most important information can be highlighted on color, size, or shape.




Font should be easy to read. Font size of head-lines is 24, and of core information is 18. The text can be highlighted on color (no more than three times).


Illustrative elements


Presentation may contain tables, diagrams, figures, charts, and illustrations of high quality (clean view). Illustrations should support the topic and not to distract from the subject. The video should appear in high quality; the running time does not exceed 45 seconds (for one video).




Presentation style should suit the topic and subject. All the slides should be formatted using the same template. Special effects should be minimized.


To the speakersIf prepared a presentation, come in advance (10 – 15 beforehand), for it is necessary to download the presentation files to the chair computer, and check out the files.

Poster presentations should be sent to the conference 3 days before the session beginning.

Papers for further publication should be formatted in compliance with the requirements: 

Editorial requirements to the articles in English

  • Articles should be written in proper English (the articles containing mistakes and incorrect translations will be rejected);
  • Page limits for articles: 5-8 pages;
  • Articles should appear in MS Word 2007;
  • Author limits: 5 individuals;
  • Articles should contain some sections, such as Abstract, Introduction, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, etc.
  • Articles should be formatted in compliance with the requirements of the publisher (refer to Supplement 1), 
  • List of bibliography should be formatted in compliance with the requirements of the ТТР Publishing company (example); authors should refer to works included in various international databases;
  • Authors should use the International System of Units; a dot should be used as the decimal separator (e.g. 0.002).


Информацию опубликовал: Новикова Яна Владимировна, 04.05.2018 16:53:12
Ответственный за информацию: Арендателева Светлана Ивановна

Публикации подразделения




Истории успеха

Анастасия Петровна Афанасьева

архитектор-дизайнер, Группа компаний "Петергоф" г.Москва

Факультет: Архитектурно-дизайнерское отделение, кафедра Дизайн

Группа: 4371

Выпуск: 2010