
14.10.2016  Students of NovSU participate in the project organized by five universities (Russia, Sweden, Finland) on ecology issues

On October 12-13, NovSU students majoring in Ecology and Environmental Management took part in a seminar within the framework of the international educational project "Ecological Responsibility and Resource Efficiency of Companies" organized by five universities.

Participants of the project are: St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (St. Petersburg, Russia), University of Gävle (Sweden), Aalto University (Finland), Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University (Veliky Novgorod, Russia). 

This project gives an opportunity to study environmental issues and the most successful methods and technology solutions in the field of ecological responsibility in Russia, Finland and Sweden and also to cooperate in the search for innovative solutions.  

Work on the project is divided into two stages: The first stage – preparation - is made in advance. The second stage – discussions and meetings of the participants. 

On October 12, ten NovSU 3-4-year Ecology students and faculty members participated in the round table organized in St. Petersburg. 

On October 13, NovSU School of Agriculture and Natural Recourse hosted representatives from partner universities.  During the seminar, participants of the project discussed the following issues:

  • Regional ecology,
  • Waste management in the region,
  • Specially protected natural areas of the Novgorod region. Protected species of animals and birds.


Besides, NovSU guests visited sightseeing attractions of Veliky Novgorod - Yaroslav's Court and the Novgorod Kremlin.
