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12.05.2020 NovSU continues to work in remote mode
09.05.2020 The family of a NovSU faculty member has been caring for a war grave in the village of Edrovo
07.05.2020 Students of the Starorussky College put in order a war grave near the village of Malenkie Gorbi
30.04.2020 NovSU Emeritus Professor Sidney Picker passed away
29.04.2020 New winners of the “UMNIK” contest are announced
13.04.2020 Days of Science at NovSU
10.04.2020 The Laboratory of Digital Economy worked during Science Days at the School of Economics, Management and Law
27.03.2020 The Novgorod region joined the Unified Day of Technology Readiness
26.03.2020 Student Volunteer office started working in Veliky Novgorod.
26.12.2019 Federal Cadastral Chamber and Novgorod State University signed a cooperation agreement
09.12.2019 All-Russian Legal (juridical) Dictation
30.11.2019 Guests from educational institutions of St. Petersburg visited Veliky Novgorod and the Novgorod State University
17.10.2019 Official visit of the NovSU delegation to Lodz University of Technology (TUL)
14.10.2019 All-Russian festival of ideas and technologies “Rukami”
10.10.2019 A conference dedicated to the innovative economy development in Russia
05.10.2019 Eight NovSU students will participate in the final of WorldSkills National Interuniversity Championship.
03.10.2019 A professor from an American partner university will work in NovSU
01.10.2019 A professor from the Moscow State University gave a master class on working with medieval German manuscripts
01.10.2019 NovSU professor made three reports at the Congress of American Surgeons
27.09.2019 NovSU students gain real-life experience in international virtual teamwork