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20.06.2008 NovSU within a consortium of 18 European universities won the competition of the international programme Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window.
10.06.2008 Changes in the top management of Novgorod State University.
10.04.2008 Deputy Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Gennady Porovskiy and Head of Informational and Analytical Office Natalia Ilyashenko took part in the meeting within the framework of the Russian-Dutch project «Strategic Management and Quality Assurance in Russian Higher Education»
10.04.2008 Vice Rector for International Relations Mikhail Pevzner and Head of International Relations Department Alexander Shirin carried on negotiations with representatives of Gotland University (Sweden) Stellan Sundh and Elena Varyukhina.
11.02.2008 «Antares Software» company in cooperation with NovSU experts and students designs a new «Veliky Novgorod Mobile Guidebook»
11.02.2008 A new Department of Information Business Systems is established at NovSU
27.12.2007 On 26 December, 2007 a new version of “English” web-page on the Novgorod State University web-site was presented to the members of Commission on International Activity of the University Academic Council.
27.12.2007 The project «Creation of International Advisory-and-Educational Centre of NovSU Colleges» within the framework of IREX programmes is successfully completed.
08.12.2007 Final conference “Introduction of Bachelor and Master Degrees at Novgorod State University”