
15.05.2013  Future physicians met with mothers of soldiers killed in Afghanistan

On May 13, a meeting with the mothers of soldiers killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan  took place in the NovSU School of Medical Education. During the meeting, guests presented a  small book dedicated to their sons.

 Near the building of the School there is the memorial alley, planted in honor of 11 soldiers killed in Afghanistan – the tablets with their names at birches can be seen and read by everyone who comes to the Institute. The boys once were the students of the technical college, within which walls the Medical School is housed. Students know little about those young people who have lost their lives in the struggle for peace, though they pass by the memorial alley every day. And the activists have decided that it should be corrected.


At the end of 2011, the idea to collect information on the killed soldiers and   release a book "The Broken Spring" was born. A group of active students who brought the idea to life was formed in the NovSU School of Medical Education.
