
17.02.2014  Day of Spontaneous Kindness Demonstration

On 17 February, the Student Council of School of Agriculture and Natural Resources organized the Day of Spontaneous Kindness Demonstration.

This holiday is of worldwide importance and celebrated by everyone regardless his/her citizenship, nationality and religion. In Russia, this holiday is not famous yet. This day, you should try to be kind with everyone. Not just kind but boundlessly and selflessly kind.

How can we make our students happy and give them a piece of kindness? The answer was found in another holiday called Imbolc. Imbolc is an old Irish holiday, when the main treat for guests are dairy produce. Probably the name of the holiday originates from an old Irish word “mblec” – milk.

February is an apogee of winter, when food and fuel reserve runs low and the luck may stop to accompany hunters (in our case hunters for knowledge). During this time, we need warmth and food most of all. That is how the idea of treating our students with milkshake was born. Girls made five liters of milkshake.
