
News archive

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28.11.2016 Visit of NovSU professors to the University of Hildesheim, Germany
13.11.2016 Associate professor of NovSU participated in the International conference about cooperation of Russia and France
12.11.2016 NovSU assistant professor gave a public lecture about war criminals at the prosecution office of Novgorod Region
12.11.2016 Professor Tatyana Shmeleva presented a new book “Novgorod Oral Literature” on her jubilee
10.11.2016 Visit of the representative of the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (USA) to the Novgorod State
08.11.2016 Students of NovSU College of Humanities and Economics came first in the regional patriotic quest
06.11.2016 NovSU team took part GTO competition
04.11.2016 NovSU scientists spoke at the conference "GULAG: echoes of war and echoes of Victory" in the Perm region
02.11.2016 Young artists will show their works at the annual regional exhibition “Listopad”
01.11.2016 The representatives of the Faculty of Law took part in the International Conference in Polotsk
01.11.2016 The visit of NovSU delegation to Vitebsk University named after P.M. Masherov
31.10.2016 NovSU international students took part in the interregional festival – “People’s Friendship”
28.10.2016 Associate Professor of Sociology and Bilingual Education visited The College at Brockport, State University of New York
28.10.2016 The second exhibition "Points. Lines" opened in the NovSU
20.10.2016 Students of the NovSU Department of Journalism were volunteers during the competition "TEFI-REGION"
20.10.2016 Students of the NovSU School of Medical Education participated in the 27th European student conference in Berlin
20.10.2016 Chair of the Russian and Foreign Literature presented a report at the International Conference in Yerevan
19.10.2016 Associate Professor of the NovSU School of Continuous Pedagogical Education represented our university on the German-Russian Conference for Alumni of German Programmes
19.10.2016 Chair of Russian and Foreign Literature presented a report at the International Conference in Yerevan
17.10.2016 Student initiation ceremony for NovSU freshmen