Вестник НовГУ

Вестник НовГУ > 2011 > №62 > Antropova G.A., Okonenko T.I. Eye Diseases: Incidence and Pharmaceutical Market of Ophthalmological Drugs

Antropova G.A., Okonenko T.I. Eye Diseases: Incidence and Pharmaceutical Market of Ophthalmological Drugs

УДК 615.1+617.7
A n t r o p o v a G. A., O k o n e n k o T. I. Eye Diseases: Inci-dence and Pharmaceutical Market of Ophthalmological Drugs // Вестн. Новг. гос. ун-та. Сер.: Медицинские науки. 2011. №62. С.6-8.
Incidence evaluation of eye and its appendicular appara-tus diseases (EAAD) among urban population of Novgorod region has been performed. The tendencies of high incidence of ocular organs particularly in children and teenagers have been investigated. Growth of incidence leads to an increase of oph-thalmological medicines (OMs) use. The analysis of OMs sale at the pharmaceutical market retail segment of Novgorod region has been carried out.
Библиогр. 7 назв. Ил. 3.

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