Вестник НовГУ

Вестник НовГУ > 2011 > №62 > Zhdanovskiy V.V., Darvin V.V., Slepov M.N. An outpatient surgery clinic centre: the problem of organization

Zhdanovskiy V.V., Darvin V.V., Slepov M.N. An outpatient surgery clinic centre: the problem of organization

УДК 617-089
Z h d a n o v s k i y V. V., D a r v i n V. V., S l e p o v M. N. An outpatient surgery clinic centre: the problem of organization // Вестн. Новг. гос. ун-та. Сер.: Медицинские науки. 2011. №62. С.13-18.
Provision surgery hospitals with modern equipment leads to the rapid rise in cost of the stationary bed. The only way to solve the problem of its rational use is expansion of out-patient care. One of these directions is day-surgery (outpatient surgery). The most difficulty in organizing outpatient care arises when creating a surgical outpatient centre in the clinic. By way of an example of such a successfully run centre, the optimal variant of its organization and rational activity in the most diffi-cult stages are shown. Experience, which authors are guided on, based on the establishment of the centre, where more than seven thousand patients have received treatment. More than 60% of them have had stationary surgery intervention.
Табл. 1. Ил. 1.

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