Вестник НовГУ

Вестник НовГУ > 2011 > №62 > Vinogradov A.I., Suhenko I.A., Dyakov A.S. Features of circadian blood pressure monitoring (before treatment and on the background of effective antihyperten-sive amlodipine treatment) and the reaction to physical stress in hypertensive women with normal emotional back-ground and with subclinical depression

Vinogradov A.I., Suhenko I.A., Dyakov A.S. Features of circadian blood pressure monitoring (before treatment and on the background of effective antihyperten-sive amlodipine treatment) and the reaction to physical stress in hypertensive women with normal emotional back-ground and with subclinical depression

УДК 616.12-07:616-08-07
V i n o g r a d o v A. I., S u h e n k o I. A., D y a k o v A. S. Features of circadian blood pressure monitoring (before treatment and on the background of effective antihypertensive amlodipine treatment) and the reaction to physical stress in hypertensive women with normal emotional back-ground and with subclinical depression // Вестн. Новг. гос. ун-та. Сер.: Медицинские науки. 2011. №62. С.44-48.
Effective therapy with amlodipine reduces the load on the target organs by elevated systolic blood pressure, which also increases the load by lowered blood pressure, especially diastolic BP at night, and to a greater extent in hypertensive patients with subclinical depression. BP variability is higher in hypertensive women with subclinical depression during the day. We revealed inadequate hemodynamic support of physical stress in hypertensive women with subclinical depression.
Библиогр. 6 назв. Ил. 6.

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