Вестник НовГУ

Вестник НовГУ > 2011 > №62 > Kerimkulova A.S. Research of wall thickness of left and right ventricles in patients with arterial hypertension basing on postmortem examination

Kerimkulova A.S. Research of wall thickness of left and right ventricles in patients with arterial hypertension basing on postmortem examination

УДК 616.12
K e r i m k u l o v a A. S. Research of wall thickness of left and right ventricles in patients with arterial hypertension basing on postmortem examination // Вестн. Новг. гос. ун-та. Сер.: Медицинские науки. 2011. №62. С.64-66.
The features of remodeling of the left and right ventricles of the heart in patients who died suffering from arterial hypertension has been studied basing on data from postmortem autopsy of 11 years in Semey. 372 autopsy protocols have been selected. Analysis of protocols showed that left ventricular hypertrophy was observed in almost all cases, while right ventricular hypertrophy in 78.2% of the cases. In arterial hypertension hypertrophy concerns not only left but also the right ventricle.
Библиогр. 15 назв. Ил. 1.

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