Вестник НовГУ

Вестник НовГУ > 2011 > №62 > Rubanova M.P., Zhmaylova S.V., Antonov E.K. Change of extracellular spaces of myocardium change of myocardium in simulation of various options of acute stress in the experiment

Rubanova M.P., Zhmaylova S.V., Antonov E.K. Change of extracellular spaces of myocardium change of myocardium in simulation of various options of acute stress in the experiment

УДК 611.018.63:611.127
R u b a n o v a M. P., Z h m a y l o v a S. V., A n t o n o v E. K. Change of extracellular spaces of myocardium change of myocardium in simulation of various options of acute stress in the experiment // Вестн. Новг. гос. ун-та. Сер.: Медицинские науки. 2011. №62. С.83-85.
When simulating the experiment of acute stress with a predominance of adrenergic effects, cholinergic effects and simultaneous activation of adrenergic and cholinergic effects revealed that after 2 hours of drug administration the most significant changes in extracellular spaces were observed in the myocardium of the right ventricle, especially in the modeling of stress with the predominance of cholinergic influences.
Библиогр. 4 назв. Ил. 3.

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