Вестник НовГУ

Вестник НовГУ > 2011 > №62 > Chentsov V.I., Shkurin V.F., Shkurin F.V. False aneurysm of the distal anastomosis as a cause of re-current reconstructions of the aorto-femoral segment

Chentsov V.I., Shkurin V.F., Shkurin F.V. False aneurysm of the distal anastomosis as a cause of re-current reconstructions of the aorto-femoral segment

УДК 616.13-007.649
C h e n t s o v V. I., S h k u r i n V. F., S h k u r i n F. V. False aneurysm of the distal anastomosis as a cause of re-current reconstructions of the aorto-femoral segment // Вестн. Новг. гос. ун-та. Сер.: Медицинские науки. 2011. №62. С.91-92.
We observed 78 patients with false aneurysms of the distal anastomosis after previous reconstructive surgery in aorto-femoral segment. Of the 78 operated patients good immediate result was noted in 65 patients (83.3%), amputation was carried out in 9 (11.5%) cases. Postoperative lethality was 5.1% (4 patients).
Библиогр. 6 назв.

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