Вестник НовГУ

Вестник НовГУ > 2011 > №62 > Buzunova S.A. Clinical and pathogenetic approaches in therapy of neuroinfections

Buzunova S.A. Clinical and pathogenetic approaches in therapy of neuroinfections

УДК 616.9
B u z u n o v a S. A. Clinical and pathogenetic approaches in therapy of neuroinfections // Вестн. Новг. гос. ун-та. Сер.: Медицинские науки. 2011. №62. С.101-104.
New domestic product cytoflavin (CFN, STFF «Polisan») is a integrated drug with a pronounced neuroprotective effect. It contains amber acid, riboxin, nicotinamide, riboflavin mononucleotide sodium. CFL has antioxidant and antihypoxic action, positive effect on energy production in cells, reduces the production of free radicals and stops the activity of antioxidant enzymes. Cytoflavin has antiischemic effect, improves cerebral blood flow, restores consciousness, including neuroinfections.
Библиогр. 5 назв. Табл. 2.

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