Вестник НовГУ

Вестник НовГУ > 2011 > №62 > Khizha V.V., Artiushin B.S., Chernov K.E., Alekseev P.S., Golubeva E.V., Tarasov A.D. On the complexities of interpretation of rare neuroendocrine tumors in children

Khizha V.V., Artiushin B.S., Chernov K.E., Alekseev P.S., Golubeva E.V., Tarasov A.D. On the complexities of interpretation of rare neuroendocrine tumors in children

УДК 616-006-053
K h i z h a V. V., A r t i u s h i n B. S., C h e r n o v K. E., A l e k s e e v P. S., G o l u b e v a E. V., T a r a s o v A. D. On the complexities of interpretation of rare neuroendocrine tumors in children // Вестн. Новг. гос. ун-та. Сер.: Медицинские науки. 2011. №62. С.117-121.
Amongst 305 patients with EC-cellular morbid growth of gastrointestinal tract, 21(6,8%) have been diagnosed with pancreas carcinoids.There are certain difficulties, associated with diagnostics and treatment of neuroendocrinal oncomas in this focalization. One of the clinical observations exemplifies difficulties of verification pancreas carcinoids and deficiencies of medical assistance arrangements, even when conducted by specialised medical services. It is demonstrated that laboratory equipmentaided examination methods in the pancreas carcinoids diagnostics are applied in a format of general examination concepts, same as used for abdominal cavity illnesses. Pancreas carcinoid post-operational therapy selection is made without taking into account specificity of clinical presentations of illness, relevant morphological research data or EC-cellular morbid growth dynamics prognosis. By use of data, obtained from domestic and international publications sources, possible ways of improvement of medical assistance quality in cases of pancreas carcinoids are being given consideration in regards with both the organisational and technical aspects (of this problem).
Библиогр. 10 назв. Ил. 5.

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