Вестник НовГУ

Вестник НовГУ > 2011 > №62 > Cherenkov V.G., Petrov A.B., Ivanchenko V.V., Tverezovsky S.A., Chistyakov T.V., Aleksandrov A.S., Frumkin B.B. Problems and prospects of diagnostics and treatment of primary multiple breast cancer

Cherenkov V.G., Petrov A.B., Ivanchenko V.V., Tverezovsky S.A., Chistyakov T.V., Aleksandrov A.S., Frumkin B.B. Problems and prospects of diagnostics and treatment of primary multiple breast cancer

УДК 618/19-006
C h e r e n k o v V. G., P e t r o v A. B., I v a n c h e n k o V. V., T v e r e z o v s k y S. A., C h i s t y a k o v T. V., A l e k s a n d r o v A. S., F r u m k i n B. B. Problems and prospects of diagnostics and treatment of primary multiple breast cancer // Вестн. Новг. гос. ун-та. Сер.: Медицинские науки. 2011. №62. С.121-126.
The experience of modern radiation techniques of diagnosis was assessed in 668 patients with primary multiple tumors and proliferative processes of the breast. 97 patients had bilateral breast cancer, 77 — multiple and 49 — metastatic cancer of second breast. The rest women have been diagnosed different kinds of proliferative diseases and cancer at different stages, even carcinoma in situ by the complex radial and morphological research. The implementation of radiological methods at dispensary check-up allowed improving the quality of the clinical examination of patients with breast cancer and increase of bilateral forms in the Novgorod region over the past 5 years on 2.15%. In 4.3 ± 2.1% of women clinical radiodiagnosis was uninformative or misleading. Necessity of morphological verification of primary multiple tumors of unknown origin has appeared. We developed less invasive way to remove the focal formation by special device with cryoapplicator under ultra-sound control, which is promising approach to clarifying diagnosis and at the same time it is the method of medical prevention of invasive forms of breast cancer.
Библиогр. 14 назв. Табл. 2. Ил. 2.

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