Химико-технологический институт

About the Conference / О конференции 

Dear colleagues, 

We are pleased to invite you to the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative Technologies in Agroindustrial, Forestry and Chemical Complexes and Environmental Management”  

Host of the Conference: the NovSU School of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Dates and location: 07 October 2021, Veliky Novgorod, Russia. Form of participation: in-person and absentia.

The purpose of the Conference:

International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative Technologies in Agroindustrial, Forestry and Chemical Complexes and Environmental Management” is a scientific and practical event focused on the integration of research in the field of agricultural sector, sustainable environmental management, agricultural tourism, contemporary trends of biotechnology use in the production, storage and processing of agricultural products in the system of ecological agriculture and livestock business.

The practical focus of the conference is oriented towards formulating recommendations for regional development policy and bringing together representatives of public authorities, business, agribusiness and academic community.

Working languages of the Conference: Russian and English.

Important dates:

Registration and paper submission deadline: 10 June 2021.

Invitation for in-person participation: 28 June 2021.

The main issue of the event involves consideration of the following topics:

1. Innovative technologies in agro-industrial complex, chemical industry, and forestry
2. Current issues in biotechnology
3. Innovative technologies in manufacture and processing of crop and livestock products
4. Sustainable rural development: economic, social, and environmental aspects

Participants of the Conference can submit their papers for the publication in the journal indexed in Scopus. Papers recommended by the Conference Program Committee will be accepted for the publication.

Contact information:

Address: 173015, Veliky Novgorod, Soviet Army St., 7, office 208А.

Phone: +7 (8162) 33-89-01, extension number: 2600

E-mail:  conference.ishpr@yandex.ru

Информацию опубликовал: Иванов Андрей Алексеевич, 30.09.2021 09:22:32
Ответственный за информацию: Медведева Ульяна Юрьевна

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