Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University was among the first Russian universities to begin the formation of an innovative field and the creation of a favorable climate for innovative activities in the Novgorod region. The innovation management was established in order to coordinate the university innovative activities in 1994.
The innovative activity in NovSU is focused on creating, implementing and obtaining the economic, social and other types of effects from the implementing of the innovative products:
As part of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation programme “On the state support for the development of innovative infrastructure in the federal higher vocational education institution” Novgorod State University implemented the project “Development of the NovSU innovative structures as a basic component of a regional innovation cluster” in terms of which training innovative entrepreneurship center, business incubator, innovation consulting center, forecasting laboratory center, and patenting center were established.
The development of the student construction department and the technological cluster continues. As a part of this project NovSU Innovation portal was created, one can take a close look at the infrastructure activities and small innovative enterprises production.
The main directions of NovSU small innovative enterprises activity are information technology and energy conservation, instrumentation and microelectronics, environmental and software development projects.
Innovative activity areas are: