
BSRUN ConferenceThe international collaboration of NovSU has risen to the level of strategic partnership due to the necessity of joining the unified educational expanse in Europe and in the world. At present NovSU has long-term agreements with 48 educational establishments and international organizations from 21 countries of the world, among which are the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Finland, Norway, countries of OS. NovSU is the member of BSRUN and EBBDe.V.

НанотехнологииThe priorities of international collaboration are IT, economics, agriculture, education and medicine. International educational activity of NovSU is multi-faceted. The faculty, students and postgraduates participate in "Erasmus Mundus" program which enables them to disseminate their knowledge and experience, to study and lecture abroad.

МассачусетсOne of the most important aspects is the program "Dual Diploma" for B.Sc. and MA students majoring in Education. The long standing partner of NovSU is Hildesheim University (Germany). Together with University of Massachusetts, Amherst (USA) NovSU is implementing the project on the improvement of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of public and global health.

Темпус-4NovSU is a long-standing participant of TEMPUS projects. At present NovSU is involved in the TEMPUS-4 program in the field of educational management. Besides NovSU the consortium of partners includes two Russian and eight foreign universities. NovSU has become the member of the consortium implementing the wide scale international project "TUNING Russia" aimed at introducing European standards to the Russian system of higher education. The faculty of NovSU (Institute of Economics and Management) work as experts in the international project "Comenius-EBBD".

ЦентрвEach subdivision of NovSU has an International Relations Centre headed by devotees actively supporting international collaboration within the framework of the subdivision's field of study and scientific interests. NovSU widely uses the latest achievements of IT to raise the level of professional and intercultural competence of its faculty and students.

Иностранные студенты

NovSU provides degree and internship programs for international students. At present 500 students from 54 countries of the world are enrolled in 19 university specialties. Foreign students enjoy safe and friendly environment.

A hallmark of international activities of NovSU is the annual International Week including conferences, discussions, and cultural activities.