Почтовый адрес: Россия, 173003, г. Великий Новгород, ул. Б.С.-Петербургская, 41, Центр развития публикационной активности НовГУ.
Тел.: 8 (8162) 33-88-30;
Факс: (8162) 97-45-26.
E-mail: eNotes@novsu.ru
Postal address: Russia, 173003, Veliky Novgorod, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, B.Sankt-Peterburgskaya St, 41 Bldg., Editorial Office.
Tel. (8162) 33-88-30
Fax (8162) 97-45-26
1. Definition
A conflict of interests takes place when authors, reviewers and editors have implicit interests that could have an influence upon their opinion about the published material.
A potential conflict of interests occurs when there are financial, personal or professional conditions that could have an effect on the scholarly opinion of the reviewer or editor and as a consequence, on the decision of the editorial board concerning the publication of the article.
2. Obligations in Relation to a Conflict of Interests
“Memoirs of NovSU” does not require a formal declaration upon the emergence of a conflict of interests. Nevertheless, it is trusted, that the author submitting the article to the editorial board of the journal, states that:
- All sources of funding for research activity are indicated in the text of the article;
- There are no commercial, financial, personal or professional factors that could cause a conflict of interests in relation to the submitted for the consideration article.
Upon the emergence of a conflict of interests the author can:
- Ask for excluding a concrete editor and/or reviewer from the process of reviewing the corresponding manuscript;
- Utter the explicit statement about a possible conflict of interests in the text of a cover letter when submitting an article to the editorial board.
Editors jointly with reviewers shall not leave unnoticed any conflicts of interests that may have an influence on the decision of the editorial board.
Upon the emergence of a conflict of interests of an editor and/or reviewer with the author of the manuscript, the article is transferred to another reviewer.
The emergence of a conflict of interests claimed by one of the participants of the process of consideration or reviewing does not mean the rejection for publishing.
All interested parties must avoid the emergence of conflicts of interests in any forms at all stages of presenting the article for publication. Upon the emergence of conflict situations in any form, the person first discovered such a conflict must immediately inform the editor and shall take all the necessary measuring for restoring infringed-upon rights.
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