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Тел.: +7 (8162) 33-88-30

Факс: +7 (8162) 97-45-26

E-mail: eNotes@novsu.ru

Postal address: Russia, 173003,
Veliky Novgorod, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University,
B. Sankt-Peterburgskaya St., 41, Editorial Office.

Tel.: +7 (8162) 33-88-30

Fax: +7 (8162) 97-45-26

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1. The edition Memoirs of NovSU adheres to the standards of editorial ethics in accordance with the international practice of editing, reviewing, publishing and authoring scientific publications and the recommendations of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).

2. The edition Memoirs of NovSU uses the "Antiplagiarism" system to detect plagiarism, incorrect borrowings, attempts to circumvent the detection of plagiarism and incorrect borrowings.

3. The editors consider as an unacceptable practice:

- copying the work of another person without indicating its authorship, reference to the source and the use of quotation marks;

- an attempt by paraphrasing, changing the order of sentences, synonymous substitutions to bypass the possibility of detecting incorrect borrowings using automatic plagiarism search and document analysis systems;

- the use of elements of another person's work, such as a picture, table or paragraph, without attribution, without acknowledgment, attribution to the source or the use of quotation marks;

- verbatim copying and paraphrasing of own works (self-plagiarism) without proper grounds.

4. Authors submitting their articles for publication in the edition "Memoirs of NovSU" guarantee that:

- their works are original (not previously published in other publications in their current or similar form);

- articles are not under consideration in the editorial offices of other publications;

- all possible conflicts of interest related to copyright and publication of the materials in question have been resolved;

- the publication does not violate any of the existing copyrights; in case of detection of such violations, the losses will be reimbursed to the publisher. Authors must obtain permission from the copyright owner to use elements of their work.

5. If the work proposed for publication uses elements of earlier publications,

- the author is obliged to refer to earlier works;

- substantiate the connection of the new work with earlier publications (novelty, development of the idea, etc.).

6. As a rule, the editors of the edition "Memoirs of NovSU" reject articles whose originality, according to the automatic system used by the editors, is less than 80%. However, this indicator is not the only one. The article may be rejected on other grounds related to data indicating its non-originality / dishonesty of the author.

7. In case of controversial issues related to plagiarism, the Editorial Board adheres to the standards of academic ethics, protects the reputation of authors and takes all cases of plagiarism seriously. In the event of such situations, a system of procedures is used to respond to possible accusations of plagiarism:

- requesting full information from the authors of dubious publications;

- requesting information from copyright holders;

- an objective expert assessment of dubious publications, including with the involvement of journal reviewers.

8. In case of confirmation of the incorrectness of borrowings (facts of plagiarism) Edition:

- rejects the article;

- terminates cooperation with authors found to be plagiarized and reviewers who cover up plagiarism. In case of detection of incorrect borrowings in previously published articles, facts of duplication of publications, the article is withdrawn (retracted)

9. The editors do not discuss cases of alleged plagiarism with persons who are not directly related to it.




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