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Ethics Code

The provisions of the publication ethics of the journal are based on international standards proposed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

1. Editorial Stuff.

– The editors constantly monitor compliance with publication ethics.

Manuscripts should neither be published previously nor be under consideration for publication in another edition. All articles should contain new original scientific results. Editors do not consider manuscripts simultaneously submitted to other print and electronic media.

- Editors check the submitted manuscripts for plagiarism, and in cases where a manuscript is found to contain plagiarism,  the authors(s) will be notified promptly of the rejection of their submitted work.

– The editors exclude the interference of business interests in intellectual and ethical standards, ensure that all sources of any financial support for the project must be disclosed and indicated in the manuscript.

- Each message about the fact of non-compliance with editorial ethics does not have a temporary qualification and will be considered. In case of detection of errors and violations, the subsequent publication of the relevant corrections, denials or apologies is mandatory.

– The article, if accepted for publication, is placed in the public domain; copyright is reserved by the authors.

– The editors have the right to send any article for additional review at their discretion. - The editors have the right to refuse to publish an article at any stage in case of violations of the established rules for the presentation and design of articles.

– The editors do not enter into theoretical discussions with the authors, conflicts over articles that the editorial board accepts or does not accept for publication.

– Authors' fees for articles published in the edition are not paid.

– The editorial board reports to the editorial board on all its actions aimed at observing the publication ethics.

2. Editorial board.

– The Editorial Board is the highest body that controls the observance of publication ethics at all stages of the publication of articles.

– Decisions of the editorial board on issues related to publication ethics are final.

– The editorial board establishes and changes the rules for submitting articles, their design, the procedure and form of reviewing.

3. Editorial board in the direction.

– All articles and accompanying documents in accordance with the "Requirements for publications" are sent by the authors to the editorial board.

- The editorial board sends the article for consideration to the doctor of sciences, a specialist in the subject of the material, while avoiding a conflict of interest. The reviewer can be a candidate of sciences, if he is a recognized specialist in this field.

– Articles are reviewed according to the simple blind review scheme (the reviewer knows the author, the author of the article does not have information about the reviewer).

– Based on the reviews, the editorial board decides on the publication of the article. Articles are published in the edition in the order of receipt.

– The editorial board is responsible for the decision on publication lies entirely with the editorial board of the edition.

– In case of refusal to publish an article, the editorial board sends a reasoned refusal to the author. Submitted materials will not be returned. Reviews are provided at the request of the author.

4. Author(s).

– A package of documents is sent to the postal address of the editorial board in the direction of the author (authors) and / or through the online form: an article in accordance with the "Requirements for publications", information about the author (authors), review of the supervisor (for graduate students and applicants for the degree of candidate of sciences ), publishing agreement.

– Authors must provide only original works, indicate that their work is published for the first time, the data in the article are genuine and real. Verbatim copying of own works and their paraphrasing is prohibited, they can only be used as a basis for new conclusions (with the obligatory indication of the imprint of an earlier published article). Submitting an article to more than one edition at the same time is not acceptable.

– Authors must provide materials containing a significant contribution to scientific research, reliable and clearly stated results of the work done. Knowingly false and falsified information is unacceptable.




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